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The Green Agenda

China recently enacted the 'Green Agenda' which is a three year plan (2018-2020) to crackdown on pollution and increase inspection. Currently they have closed down more than 19,500 firms that have violated their license or been heavily polluting the environment. The government set a budget of $320 billion to tackle water pollution and set limits on the usage of freshwater used to produce each ton of fabric. Inspectors have been deployed in several cities.

With its leading commitment to going green in recent years and a huge share of the textile market, China seems like a perfect candidate to adopt waterless technology, but why not? There have been several limitations on the usage of waterless technology - waterless dyeing machines cost up to $4 million a piece, making it difficult for smaller companies to invest. Certain types of fabric are easier to be dyed using this machinery (mostly artificial fabrics like polyester). In order for China to adopt these methods, more awareness needs to happen with consumers pushing big businesses to adopt these technologies. Government regulations or even subsidies should be awarded to companies that make the change. Since China's consumer base is getting more aware of environmentally healthy practices, it isn't too far ahead for companies to go waterless in upcoming years.



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